For Consideration by Cabinet 17 January 2006
Gross Programme With Forecast Outturn - Highlighting Slippage/Overspend of Schemes
GENERAL FUND OTHER SERVICES 2004/05 Slippage 2005/06 2005/06 Current Approved Programme 2005/06 Forecast Outturn 2005/06 New Schemes 2005/06 Slippage 2005/06 Underspend/Overspend 2005/06 Revised Programme Actual Spend to Nov 2005
Scheme No. £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
1 28 Flood Alleviation Schemes - Investigation Programme 22 20 45 45       45 1
2 27 River and Sea Defences - DEFRA Unapproved Schemes   5,970 5,970 1,177     -4,793 1,177 152
River and Sea Defences - DEFRA Approved Schemes[1]   0       0      
Flood Defences 22 5,990 6,015 1,222 0 0 -4,793 1,222 153
3 39 Williamson Park Development Strategy   100 100 100     -48 52 0
4 B/F 2004/05 Hornby Institute Renewal Project 40   40 40       40 5
6 41 Middleton Wood - Ph.1 / Access Improvements    23 42 47   -5  [2] 47 11
59 B/F 2004/05 Ridge Community Woodland     3 7     4 7 5
60 B/F 2004/05 Morecambe Skatepark     3 3       3 1
61 B/F 2004/05 Support Match Funding Schemes     20 20       20 12
52 Happy Mount Park Water Feature (Cabinet  6 Sept 05 Min 47)     205 205       205 0
New Willow Lane Play Area       15 15     15 0
Parks and Open Spaces  40 123 413 437 15 -5 -44 389 34
7 42 Building Safer Communities Schemes (formerly CAD)    42 42 42       42 0
62 B/F 2004/05 Marsh Cycling & Walking Safer Route     108 97   11   97 98
Community Safety 0 42 150 139 0 11 0 139 98
8 33 Traffic Calming Schemes 63 42 105 73   32   73 0
9 B/F 2004/05 Back Street Improvements     12 12       12 8
63 B/F 2004/05 Hala Shops Parking     14 14       14 0
65 B/F 2004/05 Ryelands Park Cycle Path     54 5     -49 5 5
10 29 Royal Albert Shared Use Cycleway/Footway[3]   25 25 99     74 99 180
11 30 Ashton Rd area transport initiatives   67 67 67       67 0
12 32 Ryelands Park Shared Use Paths ph 3   115 115 0     -115 0 0
13 31 Ryelands Park Shared Use Paths ph 2  [4] 70 80 67     -13 67 67
15 53 Mill. Park - Enhancement Project 360   591 403   188   403 153
16 54 Millenium Bridge Remedial Works 52   52 52       52 0
06:04 Cycling England (Cabinet 15 Nov 05 Min 85)     430 430       430 0
New Morecambe High School Cycle Route (Cabinet 13 Dec 05 Min 107)       70 70     70  
New Shrimp Cycle Route       25 25     25  
Highways & Traffic 475 319 1,545 1,317 95 220 -103 1,317 413
17 16 Carnforth Market Town Initiative 154 200 367 2     -365 2 0
18 35 McmbeTownscape Heritage Scheme    1,266 2,288 345   1,943   345 0
19 17 Lancaster SRB Env Improvements 158 20 73 38   35[5]   38 12
17 Lancaster SRB Comm Facilities     114 114       114 4
20 22 Lancaster SRB Programme (Thetis House)   248 278 10   268   10 0
21 48 Economic Development Zone - Cycling & Walking Network   330 420 420       420 288
22 15 Economic Development Zone - 4/5 Dalton Sq.   2430 2,430 2,480     50[6] 2,480 1,902
23 55 Economic Development Zone - Quality Bus Scheme   654 654 175   479   175 0
B/F 2004/05 Economic Development Zone Schemes - 2004/05 Net Slippage     515 0   515   0 0
24 36 Port of Heysham Site 4  - Access Improvements   575 575 371   204   371 346
25 38 Storey Institute Centre for Creative Industries (Cabinet 13 Dec 05 Min 102)   850 850 0     -850 0 0 See Note 1
26 46 Poulton Neighbourhood Management   49 49 49       49 0
27 50 Heysham Mossgate Community Facilities   853 853 0     -853 0 0 See Note 1
28 34 Luneside East 'Urban Village' Lancaster   5127 13,049 3,806   9,243   3,806 1,750
B/F 2004/05 TERN Scheme   3     3 3 3
Other Economic Development 312 12,602 22,515 7,813 0 12,687 -2,015 7,813 4,302
29 20 IT Infrastructure   20 20 20       20 0
30 18 Application System Renewal   36 36 36       36 0
31 19 Desktop Equipment 28 60 88 88       88 40
32 44 The Learning Ladder - E Innovations   70[7] 70 70       70 43
33 B/F 2004/05 Protect Replacement (Anite/Task) 66   75 39   36[8]   39 14
34 B/F 2004/05 Asset Management Software 5   10 11     1 11 8
35 B/F 2004/05 Cash Receipting 10   15 15       15 9
36 43 Other I.E.G. Grant Funded Schemes (Future Years tba) 0[9] 50[10] 72 72       72 26
66 B/F 2004/05 Uniform 7 upgrade (LLPG)     30 30       30 0
67 B/F 2004/05 DWP/NNDR Server     18 18       18 -10
Supporting 'Electronic' Government 109 236 434 399 0 36 1 399 130
37 B/F 2004/05 SASC Computerised Booking System 33 0 41 41       41 4
38 B/F 2004/05 SASC Tiling and Grouting 40 91 138 138       138 77
39 2 SASC Building Condition Survey   12 12 12       12 0
40 2 SASC Replacement of Resistance Equipment   45 45 45       45 46
68 B/F 2004/05 SASC Sauna/Steam Cabinet Replacement     2 2       2 0
41 13 White Lund Depot Improvements   36 36 36       36 0
42 B/F 2004/05 Lancaster Town Hall Clock Tower 126   340 340       340 272
43 8 Lancaster Town Hall Ceiling Repairs   23 23 23       23 23
44 12 NICEIC Remedial Works   90 90 90       90 17
45 11 Fire Safety Works   98 98 83   15   83 12
46 40 Disabled Access   50 66 66       66 1
47 B/F 2004/05 Refurbishment of Toilets 10   14 14       14 0
48 14 Customer Service Centres (inc slippage & transfer from IEG) 249[11] 408[12] 349 349       349 144
14 Customer Service Centres (Other)     333 58   275   58 20
69 B/F 2004/05 St Leonards House Roof Renewal     160 161     1 161 161
70 B/F 2004/05 Royal Albert Changing Rooms     2 2       2 2
  Vehicle Acquisitions       79 79     79 79
New Bulk Ward Teen Facilities (Cabinet 13 Dec 05 Min 104)       27 27     27 27
Improving Facilities 458 853 1,749 1,566 106 290 1 1,566 885
49 7 3 Stream Waste Phase 3   132 293 327     34 327 306
Waste Collection & Recycling 0 132 293 327 0 0 34 327 306
General Fund Other Services Total 1,416 20,297 33,114 13,220 216 13,239 -6,919 13,172 6,321
GENERAL FUND HOUSING                  
50 37 Disabled Facilities Grants   703[13] 683 683       683 469
51 37 District Wide Home Repair  Assistance   80 20 20       20 20
52 37 West End Masterplan   3,000 3,000 3,000       3,000 0
53 B/F 2004/05 Mellishaw Park Improvements 120   206 206       206 5
54 Lancaster Home Repair Assistance 15   19 19       19 7
55   Townscape Heritage Initiative 49 317 530 530       530 134
56 37 Bespoke Housing Solutions 338 1,500 1,842 1,842       1,842 0
57 B/F 2004/05 Homezones - additional environmental improvements 160   100 100       100 12
58 B/F 2004/05 Poulton Renewal - Murals & Plaques 12   33 33       33 4
59 B/F 2004/05 Winning Back the West End   0 0         0  
General Fund Housing Total 694 5,600 6,433 6,433 0 0 0 6,433 651
Potential Slippage c/fwd   -230 -230            
Potential Slippage b/fwd     0            
COMBINED GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2,110 ##### 39,317 ##### 216 13,239 -6,919 19,605 6,972
FUNDED BY :              
Use of Capital Receipts (in year) [14] 1,947     483 -30 1,664  
Direct Revenue Financing 0       3 3  
General Unsupported (Prudential) Borrowing 656[15]   79     735  
General Supported Borrowing - Housing Schemes 2,610         2,610  
Specific Supported Borrowing - DEFRA (Sea Defence) Schemes  1,521       -1,194 327  
Capital Grants & Contributions 32,583   137 12,756 -5,698 14,266  
TOTAL RESOURCES 39,317 0 216 13,239 -6,919 19,605  
    = No Monitoring form received from RSO as yet
Note 1  
The outline schemes for Storey Institute and Heysham Mossgate have been re-submitted for 2006/07 programme. Therefore they are shown as underspends in the current year but were assumed to be wholly externally funded in 2005/06 

no bid received as yet
Email confirms this is next years spend early.
section 106 agreement - maj of work to complete in 2004/05 - bid refers to 2004/05 £100k
potential overspend - need clarification from G.Bowker
C Pearson confirms this is council funded but may still be spent in 2005/06
Next Years Spend early
additional £50k exp and income - funded by ODPM 17/2/05
On her monthly monitoring form, J Allder is expecting £36k spend to be in 2006/07
slippage moved to CSC bid line
100k moved to CSC line
160k slippage moved here from IEG line, plus extra 89k slippage to bring JA figures in line with RT bid re timing of spend
657k bid figure less 349k double counted with IEG line plus 100k transfer from IEG line as this relates to CSCs
reduced by £30k re notification from ODPM
£50k put back into 2004/05 re Disabled Access to Buildings
£26k re 4/5 overpends
£10k reduction re Contaminated Land error
£103k roof tax re heysham mossgate
Chris Butterfield:
relates to vehicl funding and approved by Cabinet 26/7/05 Min 37